Product Update: March 2020
The Ultimate Guide to Marketing for Wholesalers
The Essential Guide to Virtual Trade Shows for Wholesalers
B2B Wave Bulletin is our regular update that highlights recent product improvements and updates we’ve made to the B2B Wave cloud-based B2B eCommerce platform so you can easily stay up-to-date with what’s new.
Admin Panel
Sales reps filter added to order index
The Orders menu now has a filter for “Sales Reps” so that admins can return orders associated with a given sales rep.
Increased file size for product images
Admins can now upload product images that are up to a maximum of 40MB in size.
Customer prices now support date range
Product customer prices can now be made available within a specific date range.
Rearrange items for customer homepage
Customers can now rearrange the order of products shown in the customer homepage products tab.
Square payment for orders is now available.
1. B2B Wave now connects to Xero using OAuth 2.0.
2. Order exports now search for products in Xero without case sensitivity.
You can now directly import products from QuickBooks to B2B Wave.
You can now link your existing Shopify store to directly import products and categories to your B2B Wave account.
Add product categories to API product index
Additional product categories are now reflected with the product API.
Add currency to customer's product API
When customers are retrieving their available products with the API, the currency is also available to the response.
Import product dimension measurement unit
Admins can now import a spreadsheet of measurement units for their product dimensions.

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing for Wholesalers

The Essential Guide to Virtual Trade Shows for Wholesalers