7 Little-Known Tricks to Showcase Your Product’s Quality Online
The Ultimate Guide to Marketing for Wholesalers
The Essential Guide to Virtual Trade Shows for Wholesalers
As a wholesale distributor, you had it rough before the rise of the internet. The only options to showcase your products were either through in-person meetings or phone calls. And at the time, neither method was efficiently scalable.
Now the internet lets you showcase your products to millions of potential retailers. But it’s easy to forget that displaying your products’ best quality in-person vs. through a screen are two very different things. There’s no way to know how prospects will respond—yet you must keep their attention from start to finish.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list with 7 tricks to showcase your products’ highest quality online, which, in turn, will bring you more sales!
1. Only use professional high-quality images
Our brains evolved to scan for red flags, and what’s the biggest red flag when we’re shopping for a product online? Low-quality pictures.
Some businesses are ok with letting someone’s niece take product pictures with their phones. Don’t be like them. You can take professional pictures yourself, or you can hire a photographer. What matters is that your images look good.
Your product’s images will be the first thing prospects check out. And with 93% of consumers considering visual appearance as the key factor in purchase decisions, you must ensure your photos are in order.
If you want perfect product photography, remember these two major components:
Your photos must be comprehensive, and you must be attentive to details—show them off in your images. This brings us to our next point when it comes to product photography.
2. Show your buyers everything
Online consumers are ruthless. They want to see a product in its entirety before buying—as if they were shopping in person.
What do most people do when they walk into a shop? They check out all options, study them carefully, and compare them to alternatives. That’s impossible to do if parts of the product are hidden.
This is why you must create a premium shopping experience by showcasing your products from all sides. A single picture isn’t enough.
If you want to go the extra mile (which you should), get a 360-degree product photoshoot. This lets customers spin the product around as they please in their browser. It’s as if they had your product in their hands and this works with products of any size.
If you don’t showcase your products in their entirety, retailers will wonder if you’re trying to hide something.
Little details mean a lot
Many businesses skip the tiny details while taking pictures. But often, these are what clients base their purchase decision on. Does your product have anything special? Does it use clever tricks to improve efficiency or handling?
You might think these minor improvements are unimportant. Except they’re not. Give prospects every reason to buy from you and not your competitor. Something as simple as a distinct handle could be the difference between a sale and a pass.
3. Leverage the power of video
Videos are the closest you can get to a real-life product presentation. The rise of video marketing has been steady over the past few years, and it’s here to stay. Consumers love videos so much that 73% of them are more likely to buy a product after watching a video explaining how it works.
Making an outstanding video presentation of your product isn’t complicated. Make your videos short and sweet. Show your product in action if possible. If not, you can still make an impact by displaying it and highlighting its best features.
Utilizing videos is powerful and holds near-limitless potential. If a prospect sees your product in action and realizes it’s a product they can sell, they’ll be looking to place orders real soon.
4. Use 3D visualization techniques
Show your customers what’s under the hood. Use 3D visualization techniques to reveal the inner workings of your wares.
These techniques give your customers crucial information they’ll weigh in their buying decisions.
Let’s take a technological product, for example. You could have a heat sink design that excels in specific conditions. Show how it’s designed and why you made it that way.
It’s easier to show people your product’s quality this way. You can display the underlying design philosophy of the product and what makes it so good.
5. Sharpen your product descriptions
Most product descriptions out there are boring. But yours doesn’t have to be (hell, it shouldn’t have to be). Instead of droning on about your product’s features, tell buyers what they’ll get by buying from you. Paint a colorful picture of how your product will improve their business.
This is where you can give details of their deserved spotlight. Explain how and why each of your improvements makes your product better than your competitors.
But remember, words are free. You can slap the word “luxury” everywhere, but if it makes little sense, you’re wasting your time. Worse, you are turning away prospects if they think you’re trying to pull a fast one.
Remember this key point: Outstanding product descriptions facilitate buying decisions. Mediocre ones turn customers away.
6. Provide downloadable product sheets
Product sheets, when designed well, are an incredible business tool. Retailers & customers can check the different sizes, styles, and color variations of your products. They’ll be able to quickly compare your offering and make an informed decision on the spot.
Product sheets work as a quick reference for current buyers as well. Nobody wants to re-watch your video for the 10th time to determine if your product is a good fit. Using product sheets, you can easily highlight your product's most important features and benefits.
The ingredients of a captivating product sheet are:
- Brand consistency
- Various channels to contact you
- A comprehensive list of its features
- A list of benefits offered by the features
7. Write a FAQ section for potential customers
Anticipating buying objections before they happen is paramount.
The first step is to ask your customer service team what are the most common questions they answer. Turn these into a FAQ section on your website with their respective answers.
There are two major benefits to hosting a FAQ section on your B2B website:
- It removes potential friction by answering buyers’ objections
- It eases the burden of your customer service so that it can focus on answering more advanced queries
FAQs increase your sales and make your customer service team’s lives easier. Why wouldn’t you take some time to implement an FAQ in your online channels?
Are you ready to showcase products in high-quality fashion?
Showcasing the quality of your products online is different from doing it in person. You can’t afford to adjust your presentation or answer your customers’ objections. You only have one shot at convincing them. If buyers have any doubt about your products’ quality, they’ll look for a different solution.
Do you want to create outstanding product presentations that really showcase their quality? Head over to our wholesale website solution to explore how you can give your products the appealing representation they deserve and get started with B2B Wave.

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing for Wholesalers

The Essential Guide to Virtual Trade Shows for Wholesalers